Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lyrical Poetry

I chose the song Over You for how it makes you think of the true meanings of the song. The song is filled with irony and symbolism. The words, "But you went away, How dare you? I miss you. They say I'll be okay, But I'm not going to ever get over you", make you think she is talking about someone who voluntarily left her, but actually is irony by how the song reveals its true identity. "Weather man said it's gonna snow, By now I should be used to the cold", makes you think she is talking about the physical weather, but in this case she is talking about how her heart is cold and empty with her love dying.This song is not a song about a basic heartbreak, but rather true loss and longing to be reunited with somone she never will again.

Weather man said it's gonna snow,By now I should be used to the cold.Mid-February shouldn't be so scary.It was only December,I still remember the presents,the tree, you and me.
But you went away,How dare you?I miss you.They say I'll be okay,But I'm not going to ever get over you.
Living alone, here in this place,I think of you and I'm not afraid.Your favorite records make me feel better,Cause you sing along with every song.I know you didn't mean to give them to me.
But you went away,How dare you?I miss you.They say I'll be okay,But I'm not going to ever get over you.
It really sinks in, you know,When I see it in stone
'Cause you went awayHow dare you?I miss you.They say I'll be okay,But I'm not going to ever get over you.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

I chose the poem Spring Snow, for how the words spoke to me. Sze's words talked about remebering and moving foward into a new season. His words are similar to how i feel during the beginning of Spring, I forget how much I enjoy it until its finally here. Sze's words are moving and truly do describe Spring to me.

A spring snow coincides with plum blossoms.
In a month, you will forget, then remember
when nine ravens perched in the elm sway in wind.

I will remember when I brake to a stop,
and a hubcap rolls through the intersection.
An angry man grinds pepper onto his salad;

it is how you nail a tin amulet ear
into the lintel. If, in deep emotion, we are
possessed by the idea of possession,

we can never lose to recover what is ours.
Sounds of an abacus are amplified and condensed
to resemble sounds of hail on a tin roof,

but mind opens to the smell of lightening.
Bodies were vaporized to shadows by intense heat;
in memory people outline bodies on walls.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Ode To Clothes

I chose the poem Ode to Clothes, at first for my fondness towards clothes, though as I read through the poem it was much deeper than I had first thought. I feel as though Neruda describes the body and the clothes as one, and how clothes are not just for appearance but they are a way of describing who you are. I like this poem for the depth of Neruda's words.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Robert Frost Poem

WE make ourselves a place apart
Behind light words that tease and flout,
But oh, the agitated heart
Till someone find us really out.
'Tis pity if the case require
(Or so we say) that in the end
We speak the literal to inspire
The understanding of a friend.
But so with all, from babes that play
At hide-and-seek to God afar,
So all who hide too well away
Must speak and tell us where they are.

The poem, Revelation, stood out to me because of how Frost talks about the heart and deeper feelings. I believe Frost's words speak about the facade people hide behind everyday and to which people really do not realize the challenges other people internally face daily. Of the many literary symobols Frost uses throughout the poem, one that stuck out to me the most was when he uses symbol. In his poem he writes "But oh, the agitated heart." He is trying to portray how people look normal on an emotional basis, but on the deeper level their heart is hurting much more than other people realize. He makes this statement not on a "literal" basis, which therefore makes it a symbol.